In the past years financial records have become one of the most dangerous aspects of an identity theft. These types of records are abundant in many types of institutions and in some cases not properly discarded. There is nothing scarier than someone getting access to an individual’s finances, not to mention the legal ramifications of the institution not shredding, so it is extremely important that the procedures used are responsible, safe, and efficient.
Confidential Shredding has set up numerous institutions in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut with secure consoles and procedures to protect the identity of clients and customers alike. Some of the industries that we provide financial document shredding for are Accountants, banks, insurance agencies, financial advisors, car dealerships, stock brokers, human resource departments of large and small companies and other service providers throughout the tri state area. Most people realize and are concerned with FACTA, Gram Leach Bliley and other confidentiality legislation that has come into effect in the last ten years.
Confidential Shredding uses trained and bonded technicians that come to the facility and shred the financial records and documents onsite, so that no unauthorized individuals ever get access to this material. Call Confidential Shredding to make sure your financial records get shredded and do not get in to the wrong hands.